Facilities & Car Parking
Car Parking:
- Hard standing parking is available for 100 cars (£3 per game). Free parking is available on the grass to the left of the main entrance.
- Coaches are not to enter the car park as there is no turning area available and there is a restricted single lane roadway for cars only.
- Please would clubs travelling by coach, park the vehicle in the lay-by directly opposite the ground entrance.
- To ensure access for Emergency vehicles, do not park where traffic cones are or in front of gates to allow ease of access.
Boathouse Bar & The VENUE @ SO19 (Marquee): Open throughout the game. The Boathouse Bar is a dedicated hospitality space. Alcohol is permitted pitchside only in plastic glasses. No bottles or glassware allowed outside of the clubhouse.
Food & Snack Bar: Serving Hot Food, Tea, Coffee & Soft Drinks.
Seating & Standing Allocation: Covered standing (600) and covered seating (250), Hard standing round a totally enclosed pitch.